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Toy-Horse Necklace with Mobile Legs
Toy-Horse Necklace with Mobile Legs

Toy-Horse Necklace with Mobile Legs

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Silver plated

Legs made of Alpaca

It is a horse like the ones we had as children, so much so that even its legs are mobile!
Really the intellectual work of creation of our rebellious artisan Vicky Biagiola is surprising

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This product was made by

Vicky Biagiola

Argentina, visual artist. I studied Fine Arts, Animation Film, sculpture in different workshops, and contemporary jewelry with Jorge Castañon and Jorge Manilla. I have some awards and mentions in cinema and in contemporary jewelry, in Argentina, and abroad. I made several collective exhibitions of contemporary jewelry in museums and galleries in Argentina and abroad.

My little jewels are in different galleries, museum shops and private collections around the world. I call them toy jewels… portable poetry… portable sculptures… jewels denounce… jewels that say…
The toy jewels are playful, they have movement ... there are the toy horses, the cyclists, the friends ... they have wheels, or move their legs, or look at each other, sometimes they hug, or sail in boats, alone or accompanied, in love ships .

I have series that talk about the feminine and sorority. They started from me, from my body, moving and modeling in wax. Transiting emotional states, sensations, finding liberating gestures, thus are born the dancers, the women of the land, the pachamamas, the machis (magicians and wise women), the liquid women (who travel emotions and creativity), those who fly (pure poetry) , those of fire (centaurs that fight), those that run, we are always empowered ...
At this moment I am saying the things that happen in the streets, repressions, demonstrations, people who live on the street and social struggles in my country.

The people who wear my pieces also have a concept, they identify themselves, they are jewelery, amulets, jewels that protect, special jewels that do good, connect us with tenderness, play and poetry…. that's why I say so ... portable poetry.


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